Today's Date: 03/10/2025
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Event Category Social
Event Name Circle K / CK Alumni Summer Social
Event Type Service Leadership Programs (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description We will be joining the I-I Circle K and the I-I Circle K Alumni Association for a fun-filled social in the summer. Come one, come all!
Additional Description We will be cooking lunch to be ready by 12:30PM.


There were 25-30 people there. We had 2 grills (Larry's and Charlie's Mom's), which worked well. We cooked burgers (30ish), chicken (a bag full), and hot dogs (30ish). We had Boca Burgers as well, but no one ate them. We also had cheese (one pack), ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, and pickles (pickles not used). We used 2 bags of chips, most of a bag of grapes and a bag of cherries, and maybe 2-3 pineapples. Kathy also made some pasta salad. And we got 2 packages of cookies from Sam's for dessert.
Additional Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Interclub with I-I Circle K
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

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