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Event Statistics Summary for the 2016 - 2017 Kiwanis Year

<< 2016 - 2017 Kiwanis Year >>
Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec  
Service Hours Members Involved SLP Members Assisting Estimated Youth Served Cost
Community Service
WINGS Resale Shop 10/15/16 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) 11 6 0 0 $0.00
WACO Thanksgiving Food Sorting 11/19/16 (7:00 AM - 9:30 AM) 5 2 0 0 $0.00
Caroling with Des Plaines Kiwanis 12/8/16 (7:00 PM) 5 5 0 0 $0.00
Clearbrook Casino Night 3/4/17 (5:00 PM - 12:00 AM) 25 4 0 0 $0.00
Special Olympics - Track & Field 4/23/17 (7:30 AM - 5:00 PM) 20 3 0 0 $0.00
WACO "Steak" Your Claim Meat Raffle 4/29/17 (12:30 PM - 4:30 PM) 16 3 0 0 $0.00
Greater Chicago Food Depository 5/13/17 (1:00 PM - 3:45 PM) 10 4 0 0 $0.00
Glendale Height Fest - Beer tent 7/16/17 (6:00 PM - 11:15 PM) 16.5 4 0 0 $0.00
Wingfest & Bags Tournament 7/30/17 (12:00 PM - 5:00 PM) 32 5 0 0 $0.00
Community Service Totals (9 Events): 140.5 14 0 0 $0.00
Youth Services
Kiwanis One Day 10/22/16 0 0 0 0 $0.00
Humanitarian Service Project - Christmas Packing 12/10/16 (9:00 AM - 12:30 PM) 14 4 0 0 $0.00
Feed My Starving Children 1/14/17 (11:30 AM - 1:30 PM) 16 8 0 101 $0.00
Birthday-in-a-bag 4/4/17 (7:30 PM) 4.5 7 0 14 $149.68
Youth Services Totals (4 Events): 34.5 14 0 115 $149.68
Human and Spiritual Values
Breakfast with Baby 2/11/17 (7:45 AM - 10:30 AM) 5 2 0 20 $0.00
Kids Against Hunger 3/18/17 (10:45 AM - 11:45 AM) 2 2 0 0 $0.00
Kids Against Hunger 8/26/17 (6:30 AM - 10:30 AM) 12.5 3 0 0 $0.00
Breakfast with Baby 9/9/17 (7:30 AM - 11:00 AM) 12 3 0 20 $0.00
Human and Spiritual Values Totals (4 Events): 31.5 5 0 40 $0.00
Young Children: Priority One
WACO - Head Start Kids Christmas shopping 12/3/16 (7:00 AM) 10 2 0 250 $0.00
SD 54 Adopt-a-Family - Shopping 12/3/16 (10:00 AM) 4 2 0 41 $198.00
SD 54 Adopt-a-Family Wrapping 12/6/16 (8:00 PM) 13 13 0 41 $0.00
Reading at Schaumburg Library 12/17/16 (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) 2 2 0 6 $0.00
Reading at Schaumburg Library 2/18/17 (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) 1 1 0 6 $0.00
Reading at Schaumburg Library 4/15/17 (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) 0 0 0 0 $0.00
Champions for Children 5K Walk 6/25/17 (8:00 AM - 12:15 PM) 3 1 0 0 $0.00
Ronald McDonald House - Lurie Children's Hospital 7/8/17 (10:30 AM) 36 9 0 0 $165.00
Reading at Schaumburg Library 8/19/17 (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) 2 2 0 6 $0.00
Young Children: Priority One Totals (9 Events): 71 15 0 350 $363.00
Service Leadership Programs
Holiday Embrace 1/14/17 (6:00 PM - 11:00 PM) 0 10 0 0 $0.00
I-I Circle K District Convention 3/4/17 - 3/5/17 33 2 0 0 $0.00
I-I Key Club District Convention 3/10/17 - 3/12/17 65 3 0 0 $0.00
Builders Club Leadership Seminar 4/22/17 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM) 3 1 0 14 $0.00
Service Leadership Programs Totals (4 Events): 101 13 0 14 $0.00
Kiwanis Family Projects
Rolling Meadows Bowl-A-Thon 6/25/17 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) 0 4 0 0 $0.00
Kiwanis Family Projects Totals (1 Event): 0 4 0 0 $0.00
Kiwanis Family Meetings
Division 8 Council 10/5/16 (6:30 PM) 1 $0.00
Governor's Visit 10/18/16 (6:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Division 8 Council 11/2/16 (6:30 PM) 1 $0.00
Division 8 Council 12/7/16 (6:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Division 8 Council 1/4/17 (6:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Division 8 Council 2/1/17 (6:30 PM) 2 $0.00
I-I Kiwanis Mid-Year Conference 2/25/17 1 $0.00
Division 8 Mid-Year Conference 3/8/17 (6:30 PM) 6 $0.00
Division 8 Council 4/5/17 (6:30 PM) 0 $0.00
Interclub with Palatine Kiwanis 5/30/17 (7:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Division 8 Council 6/7/17 (6:30 PM) 0 $0.00
CLE Training 6/10/17 (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) 2 $0.00
Division 8 Council 7/5/17 (6:30 PM) 0 $0.00
Kiwanis International Convention 7/13/17 - 7/16/17 0 $0.00
Interclub with Park Ridge AM 7/19/17 (7:00 AM) 3 $0.00
White Sox Game 7/28/17 (7:00 PM) 1 $0.00
I-I Kiwanis District Convention 8/10/17 - 8/13/17 9 $0.00
Division 8 Council 9/6/17 (6:30 PM) 2 $0.00
Kiwanis Family Meetings Totals (18 Events): 11 $0.00
Granite City Dinner and Beer Pairing 10/13/16 (6:30 PM - 9:00 PM) 12 $0.00
Carson's Community Days Book Selling 10/22/16 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) 4 $0.00
Carson's Community Days Book Selling 10/29/16 (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM) 2 $0.00
Pampered Chef Fundraiser 11/12/16 (11:30 AM) 6 $0.00
Carson's Community Days 11/12/16 3 $0.00
Kiwanis Night at the Wolves 4/9/17 (4:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Zanies Fundraiser 5/17/17 (7:00 PM) 9 $0.00
Peanut Day 9/22/17 - 9/23/17 10 $0.00
Fundraising Totals (8 Events): 16 $0.00
Christkindlmarket Naperville 12/17/16 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Summer Picnic and Raffle 7/9/17 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) 8 $0.00
Social Totals (2 Events): 10 $0.00
Club Meetings
In-Person Meeting 10/4/16 (7:30 PM) 10 $0.00
Board Meeting 10/20/16 (7:30 PM) 4 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 10/25/16 (7:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Online Chat 11/1/16 (8:00 PM) 11 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 11/6/16 (7:00 PM) 6 $0.00
Key Club Committee Meeting 11/9/16 (8:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 11/15/16 (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) 7 $0.00
Board Meeting 11/17/16 (7:30 PM) 11 $0.00
Membership Committee Meeting 11/28/16 (7:30 PM) 3 $0.00
In-Person Meeting 12/6/16 (7:30 PM) 14 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 12/13/16 (8:00 PM) 5 $0.00
Board Meeting 12/15/16 0 $0.00
15th Anniversary Committee Meeting 12/19/16 (7:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Online Chat 1/3/17 (8:00 PM) 13 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 1/10/17 (8:00 PM) 5 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 1/12/17 (8:00 PM) 6 $0.00
Board Meeting 1/19/17 0 $0.00
Online Chat 2/7/17 (8:00 PM) 11 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 2/9/17 (7:30 PM) 4 $0.00
Board Meeting 2/16/17 0 $0.00
Online Chat 3/7/17 (8:00 PM) 13 $0.00
Board Meeting 3/9/17 (7:30 PM) 7 $0.00
15th Anniversary Committee Meeting 3/9/17 (6:45 PM) 5 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 3/14/17 (9:00 PM) 4 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 3/28/17 (8:00 PM) 4 $0.00
In-Person Meeting 4/4/17 (7:30 PM) 6 $0.00
Board Meeting 4/20/17 0 $0.00
Online Chat 5/2/17 (8:00 PM) 9 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 5/9/17 (8:00 PM) 2 $0.00
Board Meeting 5/18/17 0 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 5/31/17 (8:00 PM) 4 $0.00
In-Person Meeting 6/6/17 (7:30 PM) 10 $0.00
Board Meeting 6/15/17 0 $0.00
Online Chat 7/11/17 (8:00 PM) 10 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 7/11/17 (9:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 7/13/17 (8:00 PM) 4 $0.00
Board Meeting 7/20/17 0 $0.00
15th Anniversary Committee Meeting 7/31/17 (8:00 PM) 5 $0.00
Online Chat 8/1/17 (8:00 PM) 8 $0.00
15th Anniversary Committee Meeting 8/15/17 (8:00 PM) 4 $0.00
Board Meeting 8/17/17 0 $0.00
15 Year Anniversary 9/9/17 (12:00 PM) 12 $0.00
Fundraising Committee Meeting 9/12/17 (8:00 PM) 0 $0.00
Service Committee Meeting 9/19/17 (7:30 PM) 5 $0.00
Board Meeting 9/21/17 0 $0.00
Club Meetings Totals (45 Events): 19 $0.00
Trivia Night 4/1/17 (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM) 7 $0.00
Planning RMH Menu 6/21/17 (8:00 PM) 3 $0.00
Other Totals (2 Events): 9 $0.00
Grand Totals (106 Events): 378.5 22 0 519 $512.68

Monthly Report Form Summary
Category Service Hours Members Involved SLP Members Assisting Estimated Youth Served Cost
Service (27 Events) 378.5 103 0 519 $512.68

  With Club Members Involved Miles One Way
Governor's Visit 10/18/16 (6:30 PM) Park Ridge Noon 5 0
WACO - Head Start Kids Christmas shopping 12/3/16 (7:00 AM) Bloomindale -Roselle 2 0
Humanitarian Service Project - Christmas Packing 12/10/16 (9:00 AM - 12:30 PM) Bloomingdales/Roselle 4 0
Breakfast with Baby 2/11/17 (7:45 AM - 10:30 AM) Des Plaines 2 0
Division 8 Mid-Year Conference 3/8/17 (6:30 PM) Edison Norwood Ohare 6 0
Trivia Night 4/1/17 (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM) Bloomingdale-Roselle 7 0
Builders Club Leadership Seminar 4/22/17 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM) glendale heights 1 0
WACO "Steak" Your Claim Meat Raffle 4/29/17 (12:30 PM - 4:30 PM) Bloomindale Roselle 3 0
Interclub with Palatine Kiwanis 5/30/17 (7:00 PM) Palatine 3 0
Rolling Meadows Bowl-A-Thon 6/25/17 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) Rolling Meadows 4 0
Glendale Height Fest - Beer tent 7/16/17 (6:00 PM - 11:15 PM) Glendale Heights 4 0
Interclub with Park Ridge AM 7/19/17 (7:00 AM) Park Ridge Morning 3 0
I-I Kiwanis District Convention 8/10/17 - 8/13/17 Bloomington 9 0


Statistics only complied for active members. This means guests and members that were inactive during the event are not included in the totals.

In the main section, the totals for "Members Involved" is an indication of how many people in the club participated. Ie, if member A attended event 1 and members A and B attended event 2, the "Members Involved" would be 2, not 3.

In the MRF section, the totals for "Members Involved" is a simple sum of the numbers of members at each project. Ie, the "Members Involved" for the example above would be 3 in the MRF section.

In the MRF section, the number of events and "Members Involved" for the 2 service categories only count events with a non-zero service hours count. Ie, if there was a service project that no one attended, it would not be included in these totals.