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Event Category |
Youth Services |
Event Name |
Bear Necessities Silent Auction |
Event Type |
Youth Services (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner |
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Event Description |
Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation is a national organization whose mission is to eliminate pediatric cancer and to provide hope and support to those who are touched by it.
Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Inc. (BNPCFI) is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in late 1992 by Kathleen A. Casey, President. The foundation is named in memory of her eight year old son, Barrett "Bear" Krupa, who died after a courageous five and a half year battle with Wilms Tumor, a pediatric cancer.
For more info, see their website at http://www.bearnecessities.org |
Additional Description |
Every year Bear Necessities has a gala ball to raise funds. The event includes cocktails, dinner, a silent auction, a live auction, and a raffle. They need a lot of help with this event. Members have helped in the past and have had a lot of fun.
We will be volunteering from 4:30PM-12:30AM during the event. Tasks include registration, greeters, raffle sales, live auction spotters, silent auction monitors, etc. Dinner is provided to the volunteers. Dress is formal.
Please sign up by Feb. 1. I will be contacting the BN volunteer coordinator with our names. |
Additional Location / Directions |
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Event State |
Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed |
Event Participants
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