Today's Date: 03/13/2025
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Event Category Elderly
Event Name Flower Pot Painting/Potting at Friendship Village
Event Type Community Service (Service Hours Tracked)
Additional Description We are going to help the Assisted Living residents paint a flower pot on the 5th, and then, help them plant a flower in it on the 12th. Our club will provide the supplies needed. The room we will do this project in only holds 16
residents, so that is the maxium amount of pots, etc. we would need.

We also asked if we could dress down for this event since it might get messy, and they said yes! So, you can wear jeans and a decent t-shirt those days. Please be comfortable, but not sloppy.

Please indicate if you will be helping on the 12th as well (still sign up though!) Thanks!
Event Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

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