Today's Date: 03/10/2025
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Event Category Environment and Sustainability Service
Event Name Des Plaines Riverbank Cleanup
Event Type Community Service (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description We will be joining the Clean Up Give Back organization and the Izaak Walton League for a Riverbank Cleanup along the Des Plaines River.

We will meet at the Izaak Walton League at 9 for coffee and donuts and then break off into groups to clean up various areas along the Des Plaines river. We will return to Izaak Walton for a box lunch.

Lunch and supplies will be provided.
Additional Description Join the organizations of Clean Up, Give Back and the Izaak Walton League to clean spots along the Des Plaines River. Lunch will be available after the cleanup.
Event Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

Event Participants

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