Today's Date: 03/13/2025
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Event Category Human and Spiritual Values
Event Name Virtual Card Making Project
Event Type Community Service (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description Join us on a Zoom call as we socialize and make cards/color pictures for various organizations.
Additional Description We will be together on a Zoom call making cards. You will need to have your supplies ahead of time. You can use card kits or make them from scratch by coloring or with stickers, etc. If you aren't feeling creative and just want to hang out with us, feel free. Friends and family are welcome to join as well.

The information for the organizations are below. You can contribute to one or more of these organizations.

Operation Gratitude - Cards and letters for military and first responders. If you are interested in this organization, you can register at this site for the details on the cards and where to send them: https://www.operationgratitude.com/express-your-thanks-virtual/write-letters-virtual/

Phill's Friends Cards of Hope - Cards for cancer patients. These cards can be printed on your printer and colored in. For the cards and details on where to send them: https://philsfriends.org/cards-of-hope/

Meals on Wheels Love Notes - Cards for elderly people. There isn't a website with details, so I reached out to the organization. They said they prefer a simple sentiment or a large letter, no envelopes required, and cards for holidays need to be received 10 days before the holiday, so we could make Valentine's Day cards if they are received by Feb. 4.

The cards should be sent to:
314 W. Superior, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60654
Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois
1723 Simpson St
Evanston, IL 60201
Additional Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

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