Today's Date: 03/10/2025
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Event Category Fundraising
Event Name Texas Hold'em with Streamwood Kiwanis
Event Type Kiwanis Family Projects (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description Help Streamwood Kiwanis with their Texas Hold'em Tournament with Rockford Charitable Games Association.

Potential shifts below. We need 1 eK person present the entire time, we can split the time however we want. 2 people are required per shift, but 1 person has to be from Streamwood since they have the license.

12:30 PM - 5 PM
5 PM - 9 PM
9 PM - 12:30 AM

We would sell chips when people come in and cash them out when they leave. Rockford Charity does all the other work.

Streamwood will split the proceeds with us, minus 20%.
Additional Description Raised $1129.02
Additional Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

Event Participants

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