Today's Date: 03/13/2025
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Event Category Conventions
Event Name Kiwanis International Convention
Event Type Kiwanis Family Meetings (Attendance Tracked)
Event Description The Annual Kiwanis International Convention!
Additional Description Charlie and Michelle will be attending as our delegates.


First of all, the trip was a blast! Very nice hotel and the District luau was great fun. So kudos to the On To International Chair, our very own President Kristin!

The I-I got Distinguished District for Larry Spone's year. Yay!

Thanks to the dues increase from 2 years ago, International is fully in the black. All debts have been repaid and the mortgage on the International Office is paid off.

There is a new Public Service Announcement dealing with the power of one child. Very moving, we will to get a copy for the club.

As for the officers, the following people were elected to the 2005-2006 International Board:

International President: Steve Siemens (Nebraska-Iowa)
President Elect: Nelson Tucker, non-cardboard version (California-Nevada-Hawaii)
Vice President/Treasurer: Dave Curry (Montana)

Region I Trustees:
Tom DeJulio (New York)
Webster James (Carolinas)
Sylvester Neal (Pacific Northwest)

Region IV (Asia-Pacific):
Chia-sing Hwang (Malaysia)

Region V (South America and India) Trustee:
Jorge Garcia (Andean and Central America)


Administrative: To direct the International Board to hire an independent financial expert to look over International's finances - PASSED

#1: To split the office of Vice President and Treasurer and define the role of Treasurer (basically define what the admin resolution is looking for) - NO MOTION MADE

#2: To change the title of Vice-President/Treasurer to Vice President - POSTPONED*

#3: To change Kiwanis International's tax classification from 501(c)(4) to 501(c)(3) - PASSED **

#4: To eliminate the new club charter fee and to instead have a fee per new charter member, not to exceed annual dues plus magazine and insurance fees (the new charter member fee will be $50) - PASSED

#5: Housekeeping change due to the move to annual billing - PASSED

#6: Increase the number of delegates allowed per club at the International Convention from 2 to 3 - DEFEATED

#7: To allow districts to have multi-year trustees in addition to Lt. Governors - PASSED

#8: To change the motto of Kiwanis from "We Build" to "Serving the Children of the World" - PASSED

#9: Allow delegates to vote for less than the number of vacancies in a trustee election. So you could vote for one, two, or three candidates. Currently you have to vote for three - DEFEATED

#10: Fix the new member fee at $30 in the bylaws. So the House of Delegates would have to approve any changes. (International increased this fee from $15 to $50 this year). - DEFEATED

#11 & #12: Similar to #10 - POSTPONED *

#13: Amended to give any Former Sponsored Youth a 2 year waiver for International dues, regardless of age - PASSED

Amendments affecting the club:

#3 is interesting because it might mean we turn into a 501(c)(3) (this makes us truly tax deductible, we've been trying to do this on our own since chartering) when International does. But this needs to be researched more to see what will happen. Our dues might also become tax deductible.

#4 might affect us if we help to charter a new club. This new fee structure provides a new club with everything they need to hit the ground running (bell, banner, gavel, lots of literature, etc), but a club chartering at 20 members would cost $1000 now.

#8: Mostly this means that one of the questions on my eKlub Bingo is now wrong! :) "We Build" has been around since our start 90 years ago, but "Serving the Children of the World" is easier to explain. Plus it goes along with all the new graphic standards.

#13: More discounts for our members! Now FSY gets a 2 year Int'l dues waiver, regardless of if they are older or younger than 25. Sadly, I doubt this change will be retroactive. :(


#1: Recognize Steve Siemens's goal of "Together we CAN" - PASSED

#2: Recognize the accomplishments of Kiwanis over the past 90 years - PASSED

#3: (Submitted at Convention): Recognize the hard work of the Int'l Convention Committee - PASSED

* Postponed amendments will be voted on next year in Montreal.

** Kiwanis is the first International service organization to try this, however. So it remains to be seen if we are approved by the Government.
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