Today's Date: 03/13/2025
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Event Category Youth Services
Event Name Birthday-in-a-bag
Event Type Youth Services (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description This is a service project for the Humanitarian Service Project ( http://www.humanitarianservice.org ). We put everything needed for a child's birthday in a wrapped shoe box or gift bag. The box or bag is then given to a child living in poverty so they can have a happy birthday!

Note: Prior to 2014, this was Birthday-in-a-box.
Additional Description We will be making SCHOOL SUPPLY KITS this time! Help package up school supplies for HSP.

10 Bags Including:
- Pens (5)
- Pencils (8)
- Erasers (2)
- Glue Sticks (2)
- Colored Markers
- Colored Pencils
- 24 ct Crayons
- Highlighters (2)
- Post-It Notes (2)
- Spiral Notebooks (2)
- Folders (2)
- Pkg Wide Ruled Paper (1)
- Book
Estimated Youth Served 10
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

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