Today's Date: 03/13/2025
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Event Category Fundraising
Event Name Fannie May Fundraiser - Orders Due
Event Type Fundraising (Attendance Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Additional Description Catalog:

Order Form:

Checks should be made out to eKiwanis of Greater Chicago.

We are sales tax exempt, so you shouldn't charge your buyers for any.

30% of whatever you sell will go to the Foundation.

The orders will be shipped directly to your house. You'll be responsible for distributing to your buyers.

If you are unable to make a meeting to turn in your order form, please get your order to Charlie (email is fine) before the deadline.

The candy should arrive by the week of December 4th.

Summary: Raised $294.98
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

Event Participants

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