Today's Date: 03/10/2025
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Event Category Youth Services
Event Name Glenwood School Project
Event Type Youth Services (Service Hours Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description Glenwood school is a boarding school, in the south suburbs, for disadvantaged children.
Additional Description We officially have a project that could use eKiwanis assistance. On Friday, February 24th, we are hosting our annual Community Celebration on campus from 6-10pm. It is a very fun event with auctions, kids activities, food, tours of the campus and more for approximately 200 guests. Many of our boys and girls are part of the event serving in a variety of volunteer positions. In addition to our kids, we utilize tons of adult volunteer support to make this event a success and that's where your group could be a great help.

This year, we are adding tastings from local restaurants to the event and we want to be able to pair Glenwood kids with adults to help serve food from the different booths. We could use 5 adult volunteers for this part of the event. Each volunteer would have free admission to the event, breaks to enjoy the festivities, and the opportunity to tour the campus with a Glenwood student from 6-6:30pm. Volunteer shifts would then run from 6:30-10p.
Event Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Estimated Youth Served 50
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

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