Today's Date: 03/10/2025
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Event Category Fundraising
Event Name Peanut Day
Event Type Fundraising (Attendance Tracked)
Event Owner You must Login to view this information.
Event Description Our largest fundraiser!

We take to the streets of Schaumburg and Hoffman Estates to collect donations in return for peanuts. Everyone please participate!
Additional Description Shifts:

Friday 6:30-9am, 3:30-6:30pm
Saturday 9am-Noon, Noon-3pm

Please indicate which shift you can work. The most profitable collection time is Friday afternoon, so please try to make that shift if you can. We really appreciate it if you could take a half day to come and help us out. Thanks!
Additional Location / Directions You must Login to view this information.
Event State Service Hours/Attendance Confirmed

Event Participants

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